Drug Development

JMI Laboratories is a CLIA certified reference microbiology laboratory that provides support for the development of new investigational compounds as well as non-traditional therapies. Studies may include initial screening for potency and spectrum of activity through NDA application requirements. Individual studies are discussed with sponsors and designed to incorporate testing parameters and isolates necessary to achieve the desired development plans. A large collection of current clinical isolates and stored reference and challenge isolates with defined mechanisms of resistance are available for use in these studies.

Available Services

  • Antibacterial/Antifungal spectrum and potency
  • Passaging and mutational single-step resistance studies
  • MBC and kill-curve methods
  • Synergy and drug interaction studies
  • Disk development
  • Broth microdilution, agar dilution, disk diffusion, and gradient strip correlations and regression analyses
  • Quality control organism range studies
  • Special isolate collections
  • Bacteriophage assays, including spot testing, culture lysis, and spectrum studies